View Profile TBF
Wo zai zhao wo-de pengyou.

Age 48, Male


A long time Ago.......

Pittsburgh, PA

Joined on 4/17/04

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TBF's News

Posted by TBF - October 5th, 2007

1.3 billion people live on the equivalent of less than one dollar a day.

The world spends 780 billion dollars every year on weapons of war.

4.7 million children under the age of five die every year in south Asia.

An estimated 2 million children have been killed in armed conflicts in the past decade.

Estimated number of people in the world who go to bed hungry every night - 800 million.

More than 90 per cent of the victims of today's wars are civilians.

Cost of America's 21 B2 bombers: 42 Billion.

Just thought I'd cheer you all up.


Posted by TBF - September 29th, 2007

This coming wednesday my little girl is going to be 3. It seems like only yesterday that she was just being born, a 6lb little baby who just laid there and slept for almost 16 hours a day. Gone are the days where she would be quiet for more than 2 seconds, where she didnt answer back, or ask for food, or toys.

She recently started pre-school and is having a blast going there, it was a big step for her and both me and my wife. She's such a big girl who I'm so very proud of. Everyone at pre-school is older than her, but because she's such a smart little girl she's already way ahead of the other kids. With a little help from my mum (who used to be a nursery school teacher for 20 years) she has learned all her colors, shapes, and numbers. Not only that, but she can color really well, loves to cut things out with scissors and paste them with glue, and with a little help from her daddy, is good on a computer too. :D

We've spent a lot of money to buy supplies and rent the local fire hall to throw her a big party next weekend. There are a lot of people coming so she should have a fantastic time. I get to be the lucky fella who holds the pinata while the kids swing and miss it..... I'll post pictures of the bruises after the event. :P

It's amazing how fast they grow.

Posted by TBF - September 24th, 2007

It's been a while since I have even used the internet for anything but keeping in touch with my family in the UK, but after a lot of soul searching and sorting out of my life, I have decided to reappear.

I started a new job in march of this year after getting fired from my old job for apparently having no repsect for the cunt that was my manager.... I had no Idea how much stress and depression that job was causing me until I started this new one. I realised my old job was pretty much dictating my entire life. It was so bad that I was starting to blame my family for all my problems when it was in fact my shitty job that was doing so. I love my new job, its simple and physical and pays twice as much as my old job, it's a night shift so I don't have to get up in the morning. I work sunday nights through thursday nights so I get fridays and saturdays off, which is superfine by me.

Things at home are about a million times better than they were at my old job. Me and my wife get along now, where we never did before because I was so depressed and stressed all the time. My little girl will be turning 3 in october and is the most amazing thing I have ever done or will ever do in my life, I love her to death.

My parents moved to the states 3 months ago, I have missed having them around since I moved here from the U.K. 6 years ago. They bought a beautiful home about 10 mins away, its just really awesome to have them back in my life full time, which I honestly believe has helped me get my head straight too.

For all my friends here who thought I was dead or in an asylum, I'm sorry for not staying in touch. I just had to get away from the internet all together as so many of the negative aspects of my life from the last two years were associated with it. Its nothing personal you filthy pigs (j/k) :P

So yeah, I'm back. I probably won't be around as much as I used to be because I have a ton of things that are more important to me now, but for all that care, I'll be here. :)
